Prime Minister Harper Welcomes Guru of Grease to Whitehorse
Prime Minister Welcomes Guru of Grease to Whitehorse – August 18, 2013
Prime Minister Steven Harper greeted Phil Ackland and his wife Therese this afternoon as they all arrived at the Gold Rush Best Western Hotel in Whitehorse.
Mr. Ackland is in Whitehorse at the invitation of the Yukon Deputy Fire Marshal, Kevin W. Taylor. His mission is to train territorial and municipal fire officials on fire inspection and investigation of kitchen systems. Ackland a renowned expert in commercial kitchen fire safety gained the moniker Guru of Grease from his knowledge of the combustible residues that accumulate in restaurant systems.
Mr. Harper is in Whitehorse on his annual trip to the North, to meet with the party faithful and local government officials to announce a new initiative for funding education.
Asked afterwards what their major concerns were, Mr. Ackland one of the longest sitting members of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 96 committee commented “…Fires in these systems cost hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Like so many public officials, the Prime Minister’s concern for fire safety is well known and ongoing. We intend to find time to discuss the issue further, as scheduling allows. Ackland continued, “I know a thing or two about preventing and especially putting out fires; something the PM might be interested in.”
On the matter of personal security, Mr. Ackland mentioned that it only made sense that both of them were staying in the hotel at the same time as it saves taxpayer’s money. Again something Mr. Harper is deeply concerned with.
Both parties will be continuing their travels around the Yukon in the coming days.