Inspecting Commercial Kitchen Systems DVD
Fires in commercial kitchen exhaust systems can be prevented. This full-length training video provides a clear understanding of how these systems are supposed to be constructed, installed and maintained.
Inspecting Commercial Kitchen Systems DVD
Fire and building officials will benefit from seeing many of the realities of badly installed and poorly maintained exhaust and fire suppression systems so prevalent in many restaurants. Video shows clearly how to recognize non-compliant and dangerous systems.
This video will teach you how to PREVENT FIRES!
Run time: 110 minutes.
Video Contents
On-site field footage of restaurants showing the weaknesses and danger points that can develop.
Easy-to-follow forms and questionnaires are included to assist inspectors in identifying and tracking the various problematic components in these systems.
The video references codes and standards pertaining to fire suppression and ventilation systems, namely National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and International Mechanical Code (IMC).
Questions? Contact Ackland and Sander Consulting at 706-516-4176.